A daughter-in-law is needed

Rehearsals are in full swing and are coming to an end with the first performance of the play "junggesellenabschied" on 22. Marz on the stage in the old school in breitenbach. The actors of the breitenbach/mitgenfeld theater group had a total of 25 rehearsals between the end of last year and the performance of regina rosch's comedy. The dress rehearsal takes place on 21. March takes place. The spectators could be curious about the amusing play, in which the bachelor martin hauslein does not have it easy. For years, his mother paula has been nagging him day and night with her desire for a daughter-in-law from a good family. This should also be as well-to-do as possible. Father ferdinand and his friend alfons are also very interested in a wedding that is as quick as possible. They want to use the opportunity to organize a real party among men at the bachelor party again. And finally paula's birthday is approaching, which, as in previous years, seems to be under a bad star. Apart from a frying pan and a saucepan, ferdinand can't think of a suitable gift. And even paula's greatest wish will not come true: manfred has not yet found a girlfriend willing to marry him. But then something completely surprising happens …

The amateur actors are concentrated at work, they perform the play almost without the help of the prompter sigrid kleinhenz, because they are experienced and almost all of them have been with the group since its founding in 1995. Berthold heil says that people like to use pieces by regina rosch "because they are well received by the audience and exhilarate the senses. We already have enough dramas", so heil, there is cheerful in between absolutely announced. "Only at the village anniversaries in mitgenfeld and breitenbach did we play pieces by other authors", sums up berthold heil.

The veteran troupe had its first performances in the sportheim, in 2004 they moved and set up the stage in the old school in breitenbach. Performances take place about every two to three years, this rhythm has been well preserved.

Birgit Scheller (alias betty meister), who took a break from the acting troupe, likes to play theater. Above all, she likes the fact that she can speak dialect. She also likes to get into the butt. Performing and making people laugh is what gives them pleasure. But maybe the talent also runs in the family, because brother gunter heil (in the play manfred hauslein), mother erika heil (playing paula hauslein) and uncle berthold heil (as ferdinand hauslein) are also very talented and play a part in the theater group.

She has no prescription for stage fright, just get out on stage, improvise in an emergency or call on the prompter. "You have to like doing it, says birgt scheller "because it takes time for the rehearsals, everything else has to be accommodated somehow". Sieglinde fischer (alias angelina von schonfeld), who previously performed at DJK carnival events in the butt, has also been involved since the first performance. "I have a lot of fun during the performances, and it is fun to please the people". The applause of the audience helps her against the tension. Anna fuchs (as anneliese schnell) has been with the group since its second performance. She is particularly fond of the dialect, which is why she was originally spoken to. She masters it perfectly. "The acting then comes automatically", says anna fuchs. Co-initiator of the theater group foundation is claus kluber (in stucco as alfons meister). He learned a lot from herta kleinhenz, who directed and coached the theater group in its early days. A tip from her: "you always have to exaggerate to make it work. He also likes to watch guys in roles that he is supposed to play on television beforehand. For example, the role of a priest, remembers kluber, he looks closely at how they move, what facial expressions are called for. And that's what he then skillfully brings to ruber. Julia kleinhenz (plays tamara von schonfeld) is the junior in the troupe and has been with the company since 2013. Helmut zeier (in the performance lanzelot von schonfeld) has also been in the cast from the beginning, and the roles he plays are tailor-made for him every time.

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